
Hey Hi Hallo :) Endlich komme ich mal dazu einen Neuzugängepost abzutippen. Dieser Post ist lange überfällig und diese Bücher habe ich im Juni und Juli und ich glaube sogar Mai gekauft ... aber nunja, es ist an der Zeit sie vorzustellen :) "Sleeping Giants" - Sylvain Neuvel: Deadwood, USA. A girl sneaks out just before dark to ride her new bike. Suddenly, the ground disappears beneath her. Waking up at the bottom of a deep pit, she sees an emergency rescue team above her. The people looking down see something far stranger... "We always look forward. We never look back." That girl grows up to be Dr. Rose Franklin, a brilliant scientist and the leading world expert on what she discovered. An enormous, ornate hand made of an exceptionally rare metal, which predates all human civilisation on the continent. "But this thing ... it's different. It challenges us. It rewrites history." An object whose origins and purpose are perhaps the gr...